
RM Framework

轉譯自Ian-Abrahams, ERM Mentor & Director, CorProfit Systems, Risk management: Perfectly complex or a path to perfection? — Part 1

Have you noticed how frequently the word “risk” is mentioned in the media these days, from the growing awareness of the race to coal-seam gas mining, to the grounding of Tiger Airways? Risk is everywhere, pervading the coverage of the Japanese tsunami and the evacuation of New York prior to the recent hurricane. Why is the notion of risk in the world at large any different from what it was 15 or 20 years ago, when the

term was less seldom used?


So what does this risk management look like? Is it ISO 31000 being rolled out with all the bells and whistles? Or is it the COSO framework, which is taken by many to be the Holy Grail of building a state-of-the-art risk management framework?


更多資訊,請參考下列網站: http://www.corprofit.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/RMT-13-Ian-Abrahams.pdf

關於 David Chuang

David Chuang
CFE舞弊稽核師、資料分析與電腦稽核專家 現 任: 台北商業技術學院會計資訊系兼任講師 - 電腦審計 兆益數位股份有限公司 總經理 中華民國電腦稽核協會理事專業發展委員會主任委員 台灣舞弊防治與鑑識協會理事暨會員發展與服務委員會主任委員