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Defining Files and Fields

Before you can work with a new data file, you need to tell Analyzer how to read and interpret the data it contains. A table layout describes the structure and content of a data file and specifies where the table data can be found. It describes the data in each field, identifies the fields that you want to analyze and how to display and print that information. Analyzer’s Data Definition Wizard makes it easy for you to create table layouts for all common data types.

Table layouts can also contain computed fields. Computed fields are “virtual” fields that contain data derived by calculation, often using data from the physical fields in the source file.

Before you can create a table layout, you need to open an existing Analyzer Project or create a new one.

Here you will learn how to work with Analyzer Projects, how to create and maintain table layouts, how to define and maintain fields and how to use conditional static fields to define multiple-record-type files such as report files.

Working with Analyzer Projects

Data Sources

Field Definitions

Defining Data with the Data Definition Wizard

Defining Excel Spreadsheet Data

Defining Excel Spreadsheet Data via ODBC

Defining Excel Spreadsheet Ad-Hoc Ranges

Importing Non-Excel Spreadsheet Data

Defining Access Database Tables

Defining Delimited Data

Defining JSON Data

Defining XML Data

Defining PDF Files

Defining dBASE files

Importing ODBC-Compliant Data

Defining Data Using External Definitions

Defining Data on the Arbutus Windows Server

Defining Data on the Arbutus zSeries Server

Defining Data on the Arbutus iSeries Server

Defining Print Image (Report) File Data

Defining Data Manually

Maintaining Table Layouts

Editing Table Layouts