You are here: Defining Files and Fields > Editing Table Layouts

Editing Table Layouts

You can edit table layouts at any time. You may need to edit a table layout when:

You want to manually define data
You want to add or modify data fields or computed fields.
You want to specify a different numeric output format or a different date input format.
You want to define overlapping fields.
You need to modify the table layout to accommodate changes in record length, skip value or shifted field positions.

To edit a table layout, select Edit from the menu and select Table Layout. Analyzer displays the Table Layout Tab. The status bar lists table name and the directory path.

Fields/Expressions List View

Viewing Data

Fields/Filters Drop-down List

Defining/Editing Fields and Filters

Naming Fields

Renaming Fields

Copying and Pasting Fields

Hiding/Unhiding Fields

Deleting Fields

Shifting Physical Data Fields

Field Arrays

Native and Key Fields