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Defining Excel Spreadsheet Data via ODBC

From the File Format screen (Local or Windows Server), select the Excel radio button and click [Next].

The Excel (ODBC) option treats all versions of Excel spreadsheets as a relational database, allowing you to join tables, select desired columns, and apply SQL Where and Order clauses. The result can be flattened or read directly.

Note: To read a specific version of an Excel spreadsheet using this option, the correct version of the 32 Bit ODBC Excel driver must be installed on the relevant local machine or Arbutus Windows Server.

If you want avoid installing a 32 Bit ODBC Excel driver to define your XLSX spreadsheet, see the alternate approach Defining Excel Spreadsheet Data.

If you want avoid installing a 32 Bit ODBC Excel driver to define your XLS spreadsheet, see the alternate approach Defining Excel Spreadsheet Ad-Hoc Ranges.

Select Tables

Select Columns

Specify Where and Order Clauses