You are here: Defining Files and Fields > Defining XML Data

Defining XML Data

From the File Format screen (Local or Windows Server), select the XML radio button and click [Next].

The Wizard automatically detects XML data. The Wizard displays an XML Data Selection dialog.

This dialog displays all XML record types and columns for each record type. Simply check the record(s) to process and check the fields required to process.

Note: If fields from more than one record type are selected, columns for each field are established which will be blank for invalid record types.

Note: The maximum field length for XML imports is 32767 bytes.

Clicking [Next] results in a Save Flattened File dialog where the location and file name of the converted XML data is to be saved.

The Wizard converts the selected XML data into a tab delimited file for subsequent processing in Analyzer. The tab delimited file can be refreshed from the source XML data at any time from the Overview window.

Click [Save]. The Wizard proceeds to the Delimited File Properties panel, see Defining Delimited Data.