You are here: Defining Files and Fields > Defining Excel Spreadsheet Data

Defining Excel Spreadsheet Data

From the File Format screen (Local or Windows Server), select the Excel radio button and click [Next].

The Excel option (using OPENXML) allows you to define one or more worksheets independently.

The advantages of this method of defining Excel spreadsheets are that it:

reads the entire spreadsheet to define column widths and types
specifies a character type where columns are found to contain mixed type data (Date and Character data, Numeric or Character Data, etc.)
does not require the installation of 32 bit Excel ODBC drivers to be installed on the local machine or Arbutus Windows Server

The limitation of this method of defining Excel spreadsheets are that it:

does not provide the option to select individual columns (all columns are always selected)
does not provide the option to live read the selected worksheet(s) - all selected worksheets are flattened
does not provide the option to join or filter selected worksheets

For users requiring this functionality, please see Defining Excel Spreadsheet Data via ODBC.

Select Worksheets or Named Ranges