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Defining Data Manually

You can create table layouts manually, defining the fields one at a time. You do not have to define all the data fields during one session. You can define only the fields you need at first and define additional fields later if you need them.

To define fields manually, you will need a file layout that shows the following information about the data file:

Record length
Field names
Start position and length of each field
Data type for each field
Number of decimals for numeric fields
Input date formats for date or time fields

You will use the [Edit Fields/Expressions] tab of the Edit Table Layout tab to specify this information. Once you have done this, you will be able to define filters that you can use to limit the number of records displayed in the table layout and you will be able to add virtual computed fields to it.

Continuing from the Data Definition Wizard

Table Options

Overriding the SQL Select Statement

Data Fields

Computed Fields

Data Filters and Conditional Fields

Static Conditional Fields