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Automating Analyzer

Here you will learn about the tools in Analyzer that let you automate your analysis to achieve greater efficiency, and let you perform more complex and effective analysis. These tools are:

Procedures to store and run series of repeatable commands, including defining fields
Variables to act as placeholders for changing or user supplied values,
Macro substitution to substitute the values stored in variables for the parameters of a command,
Group commands to efficiently run multiple commands together and to perform logical steps in your analysis
Dialogs to prompt users for values
Applications menu to group procedures within a Shared Folder within a menu,
Workspaces to store re-usable or sharable field definitions
Startup options to configure how Analyzer starts,

Each automating feature can be saved and reused individually or in combination. You can realize significant time savings and productivity gains by using existing automating features to create a new analysis.

Procedure Overview

Creating Procedures

Using the Procedure Editor

Running Procedures

Scheduling Procedures

Printing Procedures

Protecting Procedures


Procedure Labels

Auto-running Procedures

Procedures As Offline Jobs

Interactive Procedures


Macro Substitution

Startup Options

Standard Applications
