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Procedures As Offline Jobs

When Analyzer is connected to the Arbutus zSeries Server, you can submit offline jobs using Analyzer procedures containing the necessary JCL.

To be recognized as JCL, the first line in the procedure must be a valid JOB card. Sample offline JCL is included in the SYSFILES PDS, which can be used as a model for your procedure JCL. Please check with your installer.

The Analyzer commands to be run can be included as instream cards at DD MVSIN or can be stored in a procedure file on the mainframe.

To enable this feature:

1. Create the required JCL within an Analyzer procedure, similar to the following example:






set safety off

open dates


set safety on








2. Add an internal reader DD statement to the server JCL (spawned job or subtasking) on the Arbutus zSeries Server. The internal reader DD statement must be:


To run the procedure containing the JCL in command mode, use the following command:

RUN JCL procedure-name

Alternatively, you can run the procedure from the Overview by double-clicking on the procedure name and then clicking [Run].

Possible responses from issuing this command are:

“Unable to submit batch JCL; internal reader not allocated”

Note: If this message is displayed, the internal reader DD described in Step 2 above has not been added.

“Unable to open JCL file procedure-name”

Note: If this message is displayed, the procedure name specified is incorrect or the procedure does not exist.

“Job XXXXXXXX submitted” where XXXXXXX is the job name

To display the result of the JCL job in the Analyzer Command Log from the command line, issue the following command:

RUN JES XXXXXXXX where XXXXXXX is the job name

Possible responses from issuing this command are a JES listing being written to the Analyzer Command Log or the message:

“Nothing found for job XXXXXXX”

Note: XXXXXXX is the job name

Immediately following the JES listing, displayed in the Command Log, are the results of the Analyzer commands (provided there are any Analyzer command results). For example:

Offline JCL results follow:

ASI z/OS Server running on 470198 (030198 - 1247)

@ set safety off

@ open dates

Unable to open Table Layout 'ARBCS1.FMT.PDS(DATES)'

Analyzer session completed - 10/27/2006 11:02:47

Thank you for using Analyzer.

For more information on using the Run command to issue JCL commands or display JES listings in command mode, see Run.