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Running Procedures

You can run only one procedure at a time, although the procedure you are running can call other procedures. For more information, see Executing Other Procedures from Within a Procedure.

You cannot continue working in the current Analyzer session while a procedure is running. If you want to interrupt the processing of a procedure, press ESC. To pause running procedure and place it in Step Mode, press F6.

Procedures can be run from the Tools menu, the Overview window, via the Applications menu, the command line in the Command Log, or from within the Procedure Editor.

To run a procedure from the main menu, do the following:

1. Select Run Procedure from the Tools menu.
2. Select a procedure.
3. Click [OK].

When a procedure is running, Analyzer displays the processing status and the name of the procedure on the left side of the status bar. When processing is complete, the results appear in the Command Log

To run a procedure from the Overview, do the following:

1. In the Overview, right-click on a procedure and select “Run”.

To run a procedure using the Applications menu, see Standard Applications.

To run a procedure from within the Procedure Editor see Using the Procedure Editor.

To run a procedure from the command line in the Command Log or from within a procedure, see Do command and see Executing Other Procedures from Within a Procedure.

Specifying Conditions

Executing Other Procedures from Within a Procedure

Errors and Pauses