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Protecting Procedures

When creating procedures to be used by others, you may want to protect these procedures from being viewed and edited.

To protect a procedure, do the following:

1. From the main menu, select Tools/Options/Commands and enter a numeric protection (encryption) key that is greater than 1000 and less than 32000.
2. From the main menu, select Tools/Protect.
3. In the Protect dialog:
Highlight the procedure to be protected
Name the protected procedure
Specify the numeric protection (encryption) key. In virtually all cases, you would use the displayed key that was entered in step 1.
4. Click OK.

Once a procedure is protected, it cannot be un-protected. The original un-protected procedure should be saved for future reference.

A list should be maintained at all times detailing all of the protected procedures and the specific protection key used for each procedure.

Note: A best practice is to use one protection key for a set of procedures for a specific client or user.

If a protected procedure is given to another user, they must also enter the protection key in Tools/Options/Commands in order to run the procedure.

Rules for Protecting Procedures