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Startup Options

You can create Analyzer applications using the shortcut feature in Microsoft Windows™ which can be run by double-clicking an icon or by using Microsoft’s Task Scheduler. With custom shortcuts, you can automatically load an Analyzer Project, initialize variables and/or run a procedure. Custom shortcuts include the path name of the Analyzer executable file and parameters such as the Analyzer Project name, variables and procedures.

Note: “Parameters” and “Target text box” in Windows shortcuts are separate and distinct from Analyzer command parameters and the command line in the Analyzer Command Log.

To create a shortcut to Analyzer in your Microsoft Windows™ operating system, do the following:

1. From the Start menu, select Settings and choose Taskbar. Windows displays the Taskbar Properties dialog.
2. Click the [Start Menu Programs] tab.
3. Click [Add]. Windows displays the Create Shortcut dialog.
4. Click [Browse], select the Analyzer executable and click [Open].
5. The Target text box displays the path name of the Analyzer executable within quotation marks "C:\Program Files\Arbutus\Arbutus.exe"
6. Click [Next].
7. Select the folder in which you want to place the shortcut and click [Next].
8. Enter a name for the shortcut in the text box.
9. Click [Finish].

For more information about creating shortcuts, refer to your Windows™ reference manual.

Auto-loading an Analyzer Project

Auto-initializing Variables

Auto-start Procedures