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Using the Procedure Editor

To edit a procedure, follow these steps:

1. Click on the procedure in the Overview or right-click the procedure in the Overview and select “Open”.
2. Make changes to the procedure as required. For more information, see Procedure Editor Tab.
3. Close the Procedure tab. Analyzer asks if you want to save the changes.
4. Click [OK].

The Procedure Editor tab offers standard text selection and cursor movement, and offers functionality you would expect from more sophisticated editors.

• Selected syntax and errors in a procedure are colorized by default. Users can control and customize the syntax that is colorized and which colors are used by modifying the Procedure Editor settings via the Editor Options. Colorizing syntax makes reviewing, editing and debugging Procedures much easier.
• Tab and Font sizes, and the automatic indent size for wrapping long command lines, are set by default. Users can customize these settings by modifying the Procedure Editor settings via the Editor Options.
• Long lines are always wrapped, and there is no option to turn this off
• Line numbers are added to each command line (whether blank or not)
• There is presently no undo capability
• Commands within Group commands are automatically indented
• Parentheses and Brackets can be clicked on to automatically colorize the matching parenthesis or bracket in red (if present).

To run an open procedure you have two right-click options:

• Right-click and choose "Save and Run"
• Right-click and choose "Run from Cursor" after positioning the cursor.

Note: For more information see Right-Click Options.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Right-Click Options

Using Step Mode and Breakpoints

Setting Preferences in Procedures