You are here: Defining Files and Fields > Defining Excel Spreadsheet Data via ODBC > Specify Where and Order Clauses

Specify Where and Order Clauses

Apply desired SQL Where and Order clauses. The underlying SQL Select statement can also be edited and validated.

There are several options in this dialog:

In the Where Clause text box, enter a Structured Query Language (SQL) “Where” statement if you want to limit the records imported. For example: Amount>0. This SQL Where Clause only applies to the selected table.

Note: This is not an Analyzer “If” test. The SQL “Where” statement is processed by the ODBC driver and must be valid for this usage.

In the Order Clause text box, enter a Structured Query Language (SQL) “Order” statement if you want to order the records imported. This SQL Order Clause only applies to the selected table.
To check the validity of the entered Where and Order clause, click the “Validate” button. Errors are reported in a text box.

To edit the underlying SQL Select clause for this table, click the “Edit SQL Select” checkbox and then click the Validate button. When the “Edit SQL Select” checkbox is selected, clicking [Next] allows you to edit the underlying SQL Select statement selected table(s).

Note: Edit the SQL Select statement with extreme caution!

It is useful to ensure that all required fields were selected from all tables prior to editing the SQL Select statement. If not, simply click [Back] to get to the Select Columns dialog and then select all necessary fields.

Click [Next]. The Wizard proceeds to the Final panel. See Final