You are here: Automating Analyzer > Using the Procedure Editor > Right-Click Options

Right-Click Options

The Procedure Editor offers many useful right-click options:

Cut/Copy/Paste/Delete text
Find/Replace text
Capture commands - once turned on, enables commands selected from the Analyze, Data and Sampling menus to be written directly into the open active procedure
Build Dialog - opens Dialog editor to enable creation of new Dialog command for prompting users
Edit Command - enables existing Dialog command to be edited
Save and Run - allows the open procedure to save all edits and then run the procedure while the procedure remains open
Step Mode - allows users place the open active procedure into step mode, enabling the procedure to be subsequently run, one line at a time. For more detail, see Using Step Mode and Breakpoints.
Toggle Breakpoint - an alternative to Step Mode, enables user to insert breakpoint on specific line in open active procedure. This will enable procedure (when next run) to run from the start to the breakpoint at which time the procedure will be placed into Step Mode. For more detail, see Using Step Mode and Breakpoints.
Clear All Breakpoints - allows user to manually clear all breakpoints in open active procedure.
Run from cursor - allows user to run the procedure from the position of the cursor. Helpful if procedure is halted due to error in syntax - fixing syntax and then re-running from point of error streamlines debugging procedures.

Note: Ensure that any required steps preceding the cursor have been completed or the procedure may fail. Use the Run from Cursor option with care.