You are here: Defining Files and Fields > Defining Data with the Data Definition Wizard > Final Panel

Final Panel

The Final panel of the Wizard shows you a summary of the completed table layout. Supply a name for the table layout, review the field definitions and click [Finish] to accept the created table layout or click [Back] to make changes.

Depending on your choices, Analyzer will do the following when you click [Finish]:

If you used the Wizard to define a flat file, by default Analyzer opens the new table layout and displays a default View of the same name. The “Flatten Table Data” checkbox is hidden for flat files.

Note: Uncheck the open table checkbox if you don’t want to open the new table layout.

If you defined a relational file (including via ODBC) or an Excel, Access or XML file, you can choose to read these files directly or flatten them. By default, the file is flattened into a tab delimited file. When you click [Finish], you will be prompted to specify a name and location for the flattened file.

If you uncheck the “Flatten Table Data” checkbox, then Analyzer opens the new table layout and displays a default View of the same name.

If you clicked the Skip Field Identification checkbox earlier to bypass the rest of the Wizard, Analyzer displays the Edit Table Layout tab. For information about how to continue, see Defining Data Manually.