You are here: Defining Files and Fields > Defining Data with the Data Definition Wizard > Select Data Source

Select Data Source

Whether a Local or Arbutus Server platform is chosen, the Wizard provides Data Source choices applicable to that platform. Specify the type of data source, identify the desired dataset and then follow the Wizard’s directions to create table layout.

Note: By default, the Select Data Source panel checks the “Skip Standard Information” checkbox which causes the Wizard to skip panels where user editing is typically not required. The panels skipped (Character Set and File Properties) are detailed below. To View all panels, uncheck this box prior to clicking [Next].

Identifying Local Data Source

The Select Local Data Source panel for Local data enables you to specify the type of data you wish to access and define:

• Files (Flat Files and other files on disk)
• Data accessed and imported via ODBC (via registered data sources, locally installed ODBC drivers and/or File DSNs installed on the local machine)

For detailed information on selecting an ODBC data source see Importing ODBC Data Sources.

Note: For local data, Analyzer subsequently provides an option to define the data using an external file definition (AS400 FDF, COBOL or PL/1).

Note: If you are working with a dBASE-compatible database (for example, dBASE or FoxBase), select File instead of ODBC as this will be the most efficient method.

Identifying Arbutus Windows Server Data Source

The Select Server Data Source panel for Arbutus Windows Server data enables you to specify the type of data you wish to access and define:

• Files (Flat Files and other files on disk)
• Web-based data
• SAP data sources

Note: Requires installation of DAB Exporter software. See the Arbutus Windows Server Installation Guide for more details.

• Relational Data Sources (via registered data sources, locally installed ODBC drivers and/or File DSNs installed on the chosen Windows Server)

Note: For flat files on the Arbutus Windows Server, Analyzer subsequently provides an option in the File Format panel to define the data using an external file definition (COBOL or PL/1).

Note: If you are working with a dBASE-compatible database (for example, dBASE or FoxBase), select File instead of Relational Data Source as this will be the most efficient method.

Identifying Arbutus zSeries Server Data Source

The Select Server Data Source panel for the Arbutus zSeries Server data enables you to access and define:

• Flat or VSAM files (a checkbox is provided to indicate if the selected file is ISAM)
• DB2 tables
• IMS segments
• Adabas data source

Note: When IMS, Flat or VSAM files are selected, Analyzer subsequently provides an option to define the data using an external definition (COBOL, PL/1 or DBD).

Note: For Arbutus zSeries Server Flat and VSAM files, the data source panel in the Wizard provides a text box for entry of an optional Input User Exit. For more information on Input User Exits see Input User Exits. A checkbox is also provided if the selected file is ISAM.

The IMS option in the Arbutus zSeries Server Data Source panel is available only if you selected the Enable IMS option in the server profile. See Server Profile Options.

Identifying Arbutus iSeries Server Data Source

The Data Source panel for the Arbutus iSeries Server enables you to access and define:

• Database tables
• Spool (Report) Files
• Flat Files
• IFS files

Based on the data source chosen, the panel may change to reflect data source specific options.