You are here: Arbutus Servers > Connecting to Arbutus Servers > Creating a Server Profile

Creating a Server Profile

You need to create a server profile for each Arbutus Server to which you wish to connect. Server profiles contain information needed to establish a network connection and to identify you as an authorized user on the system.

Because server profiles also let you choose several connection options, you can have more than one profile for each Arbutus Server to which you wish to connect.

To Create a Server Profile

1. Select Server from the menu and choose Profiles. The Profiles dialog is displayed.
2. Click [New]. The Add a New Profiles dialog is displayed.

Note: If you are basing the new profile on an existing one, you can copy the settings from an existing profile in the “Copy Settings From” drop-down list.

3. Enter a name and click [OK].
4. Enter the appropriate required information in the text boxes Required Fields.
5. If you entered a password in the Profiles dialog, a message box is displayed asking you to confirm whether you want to save the password with the profile.
• To save the password with the Profile, click [OK]

Note: For zSeries servers, there is an option to store the entered password in Upper Case - simply check the Upper Case check box.

• To return to the Profiles dialog and delete or change the password, click [CANCEL]

Required Fields

You must provide information in each of the following fields:

• Profile Name - you can enter any name, with or without spaces. Up to 26 characters can be displayed in the Profile Name box.
• Server Type - select the Arbutus zSeries, iSeries or Windows server
• User ID - specify the User ID for the specific server. The User ID is the system logon User ID for the server.

Note: Though valid for all Windows servers, Windows 7 servers require that the User ID be specified in the format user_name@domain_name where the domain_name is the active directory domain name (see your server administrator for more information).

• Password - this is the password associated with your User ID and is optional. You can choose to save your password with the server profile or be prompted for the password whenever you connect to a server

Note: If you are concerned about security, do not save your password with the profile. If you do not save the password with the profile, you will be prompted for the password whenever you connect to the server.

Note: For mainframe passwords where entries are required to be in upper case, checking the "Upper Case" check box ensures that the password is sent to the mainframe server in upper case regardless of how it is actually typed in the server profile.

• Input Prefix - specify the default input prefix. This value will be the high level qualifier/location used when searching for input data sets
• Output Prefix - specify the default output prefix. This value will be the high level qualifier/location used for output data sets that are not specified as a fully qualified/pathed name
• Host Name - enter the IP address, in name or numeric format.
• Port - enter the port location at this IP address of the server. (The port number was assigned at the time the Arbutus Server software was installed)
• Timeout - enter the number of minutes a server can be inactive before timing out

Status Indicator

The Connection Status line at the bottom of the dialog indicates whether or not Analyzer is connected to an Arbutus Server.

Server Profile Options

You can also choose one or more of the following options. No options are selected by default.

• Encryption - encrypts your network communications with the Arbutus Server. Arbutus Servers use a 128-bit encryption algorithm. Selecting this option may noticeably slow down communications.
• Compression - compresses data files sent to and from the server. Compressing data speeds transmission time, even if files are encrypted. Depending on the type of data being transferred, compression may be as high as 10:1. However a compression ratio of 3:1 is characteristic of most data. Valid compression values range from 1 to 9 (with 9 being the highest level of compression)
• Enable IMS - enable this option to read IMS data on the Arbutus zSeries Server. This option may slow processing of non-IMS data.

Command Buttons

The Profiles dialog has the following command buttons:

• [Close] - lets you close the dialog. Changes are not saved
• [New] - lets you create a new profile
• [Save] - lets you save the profile together with any changes
• [Rename] - lets you rename the current profile
• [Delete] - lets you delete a selected profile
• [Connect] - lets you connect manually to the selected server
• [Disconnect] - lets you disconnect manually from a selected server