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Views and Reports

The View is the window you work with most often in Analyzer. Views display defined data and computed fields in a tabular format. Views are used to display source data and computations, display filtered data, and to create ad hoc reports. You can have multiple Views of the data in a single table layout.

For more information on Views see Views.

Customizing Views

Views give you many ways to look at your data. You can restrict the records displayed in the View by applying a filter. You can also modify the View and save the changes, change the order of columns, remove columns, modify column contents or add new columns containing new data fields or new computed fields.

Each time Analyzer creates a new View of a table layout, it displays data as it is defined in the table layout. You can subsequently customize, duplicate, rename or delete the View.

Views as Reports

The View you design on the screen forms the basis of a printed report. You can customize Views to produce different kinds of reports. For more information see Reports.