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The View is a tab that lets you arrange the way data in your table is displayed. You can create many different Views for each table. Views can contain any or all of the fields in the table layout, can be arranged in any order and can be individually formatted without affecting other Views or the data itself.

Think of a View as a tool you use to manage, analyze and display selected portions of your data. As you work, you can save, modify, copy, rename or discard your Views, without affecting the data or the way the data is defined in the table layout.

The View is arranged in columns and rows. The columns in a View represent fields in the table layout. The data in a column can come from the table data or it can be a computed field. While a column may contain the data from a field, a column is not the field itself. Changes you make to the column format affect only the column, not the field.

By default, the first time you open a View (the “Default View”), Analyzer names the View after the table name. The View is based on its corresponding table layout and shows all the fields in the table layout. The View, however, is separate from the table layout. Changing the View does not change the table layout and subsequent changes to the table layout are not automatically displayed in the View.

Only one View can be open at a time. Views are not saved until you close them. If you close a View or open another View, Analyzer asks you to save or discard the current View.

The View tab always displays the corresponding table name.

Views as Reports

Displaying a View

View Tab