You are here: Views, Reports and Graphs > Views > View Tab

View Tab

The View Tab displays the following information:

• The corresponding table name
• Records in order—filtered records are shown in gray. If the Hide Filtered Records preference is turned on, filtered records are hidden from View.
• Defined columns—each column appears separately. By default, the column heading is the name of the field or expression.
• The subtotal Group By bar—the subtotal Group By bar is a thick vertical line that appears between the record number column and the first data field column.
• A row value for each column.

A View has several purposes. It allows you to:

• Display source data on the screen in a readable format.
• Filter and search for data
• Format and print source data.
• Design and print a fully formatted report derived from source data.

Buttons in the View (Filtering)

Using the View, you can perform the following filtering actions:

• Click [Edit View Filter] to create or edit a filter. Alternatively, you can enter the name of a filter or an expression in the filter text box at the top of the window or click the drop-down list and choose a previously active filter
• Click [Set Filter] to apply the filter or [Remove Filter] to remove it
• Click [Go to Next Matching Record] to display the next Matched record. This is only applicable if the View Option “Hide Filtered Records” is selected

Note: The last 20 filters (named or ad-hoc) used for each table are remembered and made available in the View filter pull-down menu for subsequent use the next time the table is opened.

Right-Click Options in the View

Right-click options are available in the View to perform View related tasks as well as to create reports and graphs from selected data in the View. Right-click options include:

• Copy - enables copying of cell values to the expression builder, command line, procedures or other applications
• Add Columns - enables a column to be added to the View
• Remove Columns - enables a column to be removed from a View
• Resize All Columns - enables all columns to be automatically re-sized for the current View
• Modify Columns - enables column properties in a View to be modified
• Quick Filter - enables View to be filtered on values in highlighted cells in View. Options include (numeric/date):
• Equal / On
• Not Equal / Not On
• Greater Than / On or After
• Greater Than or Equal To /
• Less Than / Before
• Less Than or Equal To / On or Before
• Near - constructed using NEAR() function.
• Similar - constructed using SIMILAR() function. This choice uses the SIMILAR() function to construct a Quick Filter using a default Damerau-Levenshtein difference of 1 (which can be edited). Like the SIMILAR() function, the Similar choice treats all data as character (character, numeric or date).
• Between (only available when multiple values chosen)
• Not Between (only available when multiple values chosen)
• If a Quick Filter is already set in the View, right-clicking on a new cell value will allow you to modify the existing filter with this new value using AND, OR, or REPLACE logic or entirely replace the existing Quick Filter with this new value.
• A Quick Filter can also be constructed from existing column Triggers. This right-click Quick Filter option is only available when a column is highlighted and Triggers exist for the highlighted column
• Quick Sort Ascending - enables View to be indexed in ascending order based on selected column
• Quick Sort Descending - enables View to be indexed in descending order based on selected column
• Graph Selected Data - enables data from valid highlighted cells to be graphed
• Hide Filtered Records - enables filtered records to be hidden in the View. This right-click option is ON by default.

Note: This right-click option has no effect on the “Hide Filtered Records” View option in Tools/Options.

• Next Matching Record - highlights next record meeting filter criteria in the View
• Print Report - enables setting of report attributes (header, footer, etc.)
• Report Fonts - enables setting global or individual report fonts (header, footer, totals and data)
• Show right edge of page - indicates the right edge of the report page in the View
• Show grid lines - separates rows and columns with grid lines
• Show alternating colors - displays colored background for alternate rows in the View - assists with visually differentiating rows in the View (see Alternate Row Color)

Special Characters in the View

In addition to the data you expect to see, Analyzer may display fields that contain special characters described below.

Column Too Narrow

When a View column is too narrow to display the contents of a numeric field, the data is replaced by a row of # characters. If you print a report based on such a View, Analyzer prints all the data in the field, causing adjacent columns to be misaligned.

To display all of a column’s contents, adjust the column width in the View by dragging the right column edge or by using the Modify Columns dialog. You can also auto-size the column width by double-clicking the right edge of the column heading.

To ensure that the column width matches the expected field contents, assess the column width needed to display the expected data and set the column width as part of the field definition display properties.

Note: To resize all columns, simply right-click in the View and select Resize All Columns.

Numeric Overflow

Numeric overflow is caused by operations such as division by zero or by a very small number. Analyzer indicates a numeric overflow by displaying the message ###ERR### in the affected cells in the View. If the column is too narrow to hold this message, it will be replaced by row of # characters until the column is made wider.

Error Messages Associated with Views

Analyzer keeps a record of the physical and computed fields referenced by a View. If you rename or delete a field in the table layout that is referenced in the View and the View is not currently open, the next time the View is opened, Analyzer will ask you to confirm whether to delete the references to the missing fields or to preserve them:

• To permanently delete this field from the View, click [YES]. When the View is subsequently closed you will be prompted to save these changes
• To maintain the reference to the missing field, click [NO]. Analyzer will display the View without the missing field. If the missing field is subsequently re-created, then it will re-appear in the View the next time that View is opened

If you recreate the field, Analyzer will display it the next time you open the View. If you do not recreate the field, Analyzer will display this error dialog the next time you open this View.