You are here: Automating Analyzer > Scheduling Procedures > Using the Admin Tool

Using the Admin Tool

Analyzer provides an Admin tool for managing various procedure and system related information:

provides Administrators with the ability to view and modify all scheduled procedures (jobs) in an enterprise shared folder on a specific Arbutus Windows Server
provides Administrators with the ability to view users that are currently connected to, or scheduled on, a specified Arbutus Windows Server
provides Administrators with the ability to manage passwords and credentials for databases and SAP
provides Administrators with the ability to manage software activations

Viewing and Modifying Scheduled Jobs

To access and use the Admin tool to view and modify scheduled jobs:

1. Click the Admin main menu item and select Scheduling.
2. In the resulting Admin dialog, select the appropriate server profile to view scheduled jobs on the desired Arbutus Windows Server and click [OK].
3. The Admin Scheduling dialog appears displaying all scheduled jobs that the Administrator has the rights to view and modify. The size of this dialog can be adjusted. Details about each scheduled job are displayed in a List View whose columns can be arranged per user preference. Columns in the List View specify:
Procedure - specifies the procedure name
Scheduled By - specifies the user who scheduled the procedure
Scheduled On - specifies the date and time the procedure was scheduled
Frequency - specifies the frequency that a procedure is scheduled to run (once, daily, weekly, monthly, etc.)
Last Run - specifies the last date and time that the procedure was run. Also displays Never if procedure has yet to be run and Running of procedure is currently running.
Elapsed Run Time - specifies the time it took the procedure to run to completion the last time it was run. Defaults to 0 if the procedure has not yet been run and a question mark ? if the procedure is currently running.
Next Run - specifies the date and time the procedure is next scheduled to run
End Date - specifies the date and time the procedure will no longer be run. If there is no end date, "Never" is displayed.
Last Result - specifies the result obtained the last time the procedure was run
Output Type - specifies the output type (Private, Shared, or Other)
Output Location - specifies the output location (path and folder)
Shared Folder - specifies the enterprise shared folder containing the scheduled procedure
4. Close the window to exit the Admin Tool.

Modifying/Canceling/Stopping Scheduled Jobs

To modify details for a scheduled job, or to cancel a scheduled job:

Double-click on the desired scheduled job in the Admin Scheduling dialog to launch the Schedule Procedure dialog
Right-click on the desired scheduled job in the Admin Scheduling dialog and select Edit to launch the Schedule Procedure dialog
Right-click on the desired scheduled job in the Admin Scheduling dialog and select Stop Process to halt a scheduled job that is currently running
Right-click on the desired scheduled job in the Admin Scheduling dialog and select Unschedule to unschedule the job you previously scheduled

Note: For specific information on using the Schedule Procedure dialog see Using the Scheduler.

The scheduler allows you to modify any of the Scheduling or Output options for the scheduled job or to cancel the scheduled job completely by clicking the Unschedule button.

When changing the output location of for the scheduled job, be aware that these changes may affect the ability of the end-user who scheduled the job to view output results. Use caution when making output changes and communicate these to the end-user.

For more detail on Scheduling Procedures see Scheduling Procedures.

Viewing Connected Users

To access and use the Admin tool to view users that are currently connected to, or scheduled on, a specifiedArbutus Windows Server:

1. Click the Admin main menu item and select Connected Users.
2. In the resulting Admin dialog, select the appropriate server profile to view connected users on the desired Arbutus Windows Server and click [OK].
3. The Admin Connected Users dialog appears displaying all connected users that the Administrator has the rights to view. The size of this dialog can be adjusted. Details about each user are displayed in a List View whose columns can be arranged per user preference. Columns in the List View specify:
User - specifies user name
Procedure - specifies the scheduled procedure name or whether the user is connected interactively
4. Close the window to exit the Admin Tool.

Right-Click Options for Scheduling/Connected Users

The Admin Scheduling/Connected User dialogs also provide right-click options:

Show Only - by right clicking on a specific user, allows the Administrator to view only scheduled jobs for a specific user, or only a specific user
Show All - allows the Administrator to view all jobs/users
Edit - allows the Administrator to edit details for a scheduled job including un-scheduling the job
Stop Process - allows the Administrator to stop a scheduled job that is currently running
Refresh - allows Administrator to refresh the list of scheduled jobs/users for the current server to view if new jobs/users have been added, removed, or completed.
Change Server - allows Administrator to change the specified server to check jobs/users on another server without needing to close and re-open the Admin dialog.

Note: The name of the currently selected server is displayed in the Title Bar of the Admin Scheduling/Connected Users dialogs.

Managing Data Sources

To access and use the Admin tool to manage data sources (passwords, credentials and SELECT command terminator) for databases and SAP:

Modifying Existing Data Source Passwords and Credentials

1. Click the Admin main menu item and select Manage Data Sources.
2. In the resulting Manage Data Sources dialog, choose either the Databases or SAP radio button.
3. In the resulting Manage Data Sources dialog, select the appropriate server (server profile name) from the Available Servers list.
4. Select the desired system from the Systems list.
5. Click the [Remove] button to remove desired system. Click [Delete] to confirm.
6. Click the [Update] button to edit the relevant information (User ID, Password, SELECT Terminator, etc.). Click [Save] to save changes.
7. Click [Done] to exit the Admin Tool.

Managing Activations

To access and use the Admin tool to manage activations

1. Click the Admin main menu item and select Manage Activations.
2. In the resulting Manage Activations dialog, choose the desired activation key.
3. Click the [Delete] button to remove desired activation key.
4. Click [Done] to exit the Admin Tool.