You are here: Automating Analyzer > Scheduling Procedures > Using the Scheduler

Using the Scheduler

To launch the Scheduler, right-click on the desired procedure in the shared folder on the Arbutus Windows Server and choose “Schedule”.

Alternatively, select Tools from the main menu and click Schedule Procedure. A dialog appears listing all procedures. Click on the procedure to be scheduled and then click OK.

Note: When using the Tools/Schedule Procedure option, all procedures (not just procedures stored in shared folders) will be displayed for selection and scheduling. However, if a procedure in the local project folder is selected for scheduling, Analyzer will warn that local procedures cannot be scheduled.

Either method launches the Schedule Procedure window.

For more detail on Scheduling Procedures see Scheduling Procedures.

Selecting the Schedule

When scheduling a procedure, the user must select one or more of the following:

• When to start a scheduled procedure
• Start Date
• Start Time
• The frequency for running the scheduled procedure:
• Now
• One Time
• Frequently (every N minutes)
• Daily (every N days)
• Weekly (every specified week day)
• Monthly (every Nth day of the month)
• The date (if any) to cease running the scheduled procedure. Never end is the default (where applicable)

Specifying the Output Location

When scheduling a procedure, output can be directed in one of three ways:

• Private - Output data created by a scheduled procedure are written to the users output prefix specified in the server profile that they are using to access the shared folder. Project items (table layouts, views, etc.) created by a scheduled procedure are stored in a sub-folder of the users output prefix called “Schedule”. In the Overview, these project items will appear under an automatically created private shared output folder called “Private Scheduled Output”.

Note: Private is the default output option for scheduled procedures.

Note: When setting up an enterprise shared folder for scheduled jobs, the shared folder location must not be the same as the private scheduled output folder (typically the output prefix specified in the server profile used to connect to the Arbutus Windows Server where the shared folder resides).

• Shared - Output data and project items created by a scheduled procedure are written to the shared folder containing the scheduled procedure. This option is used when results are to be made public and shared amongst a group of users.

Note: When output is directed to a shared folders, there is always a risk that another user of the shared folder could overwrite the output or even delete it. Use caution sending output to a shared folder.

• Other - All data and project items created by the scheduled procedure are written to the specified output folder.

Note: This option is primarily intended to be used when outputting results into a data mart, or when exporting data for use within another application.

Note: The Set Folder command can also be used to direct the placement of output table layouts to a specific sub-folder. For more information see Set Folder.

To avoid proliferation of successful logs for scheduled jobs, you can have successful logs automatically deleted by selecting the check box "Delete Successful Logs".