You are here: Automating Analyzer > Startup Options > Auto-start Procedures

Auto-start Procedures

To start a procedure when auto-loading an Analyzer Project, enter the parameter /b followed immediately by the procedure name. Do not enter a space between /b and the name of the procedure.

For example, to run the procedure Get_Dups when auto-loading an Analyzer project, the Target text box would read as follows:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Arbutus\Analyzer.exe" "C:\Audits\Data\Analyzer.ASI" /bGet_Dups

Note: Because Analyzer executes the Target text box parameters in the order in which they appear, the fully pathed name of the Analyzer executable file must precede the fully pathed name of the Analyzer project which must precede the procedure name.

You can combine variables and procedures. For example, to initialize the variable Materiality and execute the procedure Get_Dups when auto-loading an Analyzer project, the Target text box would read as follows:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Arbutus\Analyzer.exe" "C:\Audits\Data\Analyzer.ASI" /vMateriality=10000 /bGet_Dups¿

The command is executed according to the order specified in the Target text box. The above example will:

Launch Analyzer
Load the Analyzer.ASI project
Set the variable Materiality to 10,000
Run the Get_Dups procedure

Note: The variable is assigned prior to the procedure so that the variable is available for use by the procedure.