You are here: Views, Reports and Graphs > Smart Search in the View

Smart Search in the View

The View tab provides a Smart Search option. This option uses the SMARTSEARCH() function to quickly search for data in columns within the active View, or when no columns are specified, searches within all columns present in the active View. Columns to be searched may be from the active table, from computed fields or from related tables, provided they appear in the active View.

Note: The SMARTSEARCH() function is similar to FIND() except that FIND() will search the entire record when no columns are specified, whereas SMARTSEARCH() will only search columns in the active View. For more information and examples see SMARTSEARCH() or FIND().

Note: The SMARTSEARCH() function is intended solely for use in the View via use of the Smart Search and is not intended for use in procedures where no View may be active. As a result, the SMARTSEARCH() function does not appear in the function list of the Expression Builder.

Tip: To search the entire record, modify the View filter created by the Smart Search, changing the function used from SMARTSEARCH() to FIND().

You can perform a quick smart search on a single value or multiple values separated by blank spaces.

Note: When searching for multiple values, all values must be found concurrently in the same column within the same record for a record to be selected.

You can also search for a literal containing blank spaces by surrounding the literal in double quotes.

The Smart Search in the View retains all smart search criteria entered for a table in the current session. Simply click the Smart Search pull-down menu to retrieve prior search criteria and then edit it and press Enter.

Smart Search on Single Value

Smart Search on Multiple Values

Smart Search on Columns

Running Commands on Smart Search Results