You are here: Views, Reports and Graphs > Smart Search in the View > Smart Search on Columns

Smart Search on Columns

To perform a Smart Search on specific columns appearing in the View (from the active table, from computed fields or from related tables) simply highlight the columns to search and then enter your search criteria in the smart search text box separated by blank spaces and press Enter.

A single search value must be found in one of the selected View columns for a row to be selected.

When more than one search value is entered, all search values must be found within the selected View columns for a row to be selected.

Note: The Smart Search criteria, when entered after highlighting columns, is automatically used to specify a valid View filter using the SMARTSEARCH() function on the specified columns only.

If a Smart Search is created that doesn’t initially reference a specific column, simply clicking on the column title of the desired column will add that column to the existing Smart Search. For example, if the initial Smart Search was to look for a value “CN”, the result would be the value SMARTSEARCH(“CN”). With the focus still on the Smart Search, if the column heading for the column named TYPE is clicked on, then the Smart Search would be updated to read SMARTSEARCH(“CN”,TYPE).