You are here: Automating Analyzer > Protecting Procedures > Rules for Protecting Procedures

Rules for Protecting Procedures

There are a few rules to follow when creating protected procedures:

1. Always add SET ECHO NONE as the first line in your original procedure, and SET ECHO ON as the last line in your original procedure. This will ensure that your procedure code is not written to the Command Log when the procedure is run. Otherwise, the first time the protected procedure is run, the user can copy the procedure code from the Command Log and create an unprotected copy that can be edited and shared with others.
2. Always move any original procedures to be protected into a backup folder. The Protect program will generate a protected copy of each original un-protected procedure. The backup folder will provide a secure backup location for maintaining your original unprotected procedures as you cannot un-protect a procedure once it has been protected.
3. Pick a numeric protection key ( >1000 and <32000) to be used by the program to protect your procedures. Use the same key for a group of procedures relating to a given department or project. Create a text file that records the various protection keys used and the associated protected procedure names using each protection key.
4. Using NOTEPAD or EXCEL, create a list of all protected procedures (and the original unprotected procedures) and the key used to protect each procedure.
5. Once protected, the protected procedures will appear in the Overview window and can be run but not opened or edited. If a protected procedure is given to another user, they must also enter the associated protection key used in Tools/Options/Commands in order to run the procedure.