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Using the Run command

Locally or on an Arbutus Windows Server

You can use the Run command locally or on an Arbutus Windows Server (provided an Arbutus Windows Server table is already open) to:

run a Windows application (i.e. from an Analyzer procedure). The called application can be passed valid parameters as required and automatically returns a variable called RETURN with a return code set by the called application that is between 0 and 255. Where necessary, the Analyzer procedure can be programmed to test the RETURN variable for the return code to see if the called application was successful.
run a DOS batch file (.bat) or a DOS command - you must always fully path the DOS batch file or DOS command to ensure the correct directory location

Note: The Analyzer procedure calling the Windows program will pause until the called application ends. A command window may be visible while the called application is running and will close automatically - do not close it manually.

On an Arbutus zSeries Server

You can use the Run command for an Arbutus zSeries Server to:

submit an offline job (from an Analyzer procedure containing the required JCL) on the Arbutus zSeries Server.
display JES listings (for a submitted offline job) in the Analyzer Command Log.

Note: Before displaying JES listings, be sure the submitted offline job has completed.

For more info see Procedures As Offline Jobs.

Note: The RUN command is not valid for other Arbutus Servers and will be ignored.

Command Mode Syntax

RUN windows_application_executable_name <valid_parameters>

RUN DOS_Batch_Name

RUN DOS_Command_Name

RUN JCL JCL_Procedure_Name

JCL JCL_Procedure_Name issues the Analyzer procedure containing the JCL

RUN JES Jobname

JES Jobname displays the JES listing for the JCL job created in the RUN JCL command