You are here: Commands > Join > Parameters


In addition to the Join type parameters described in Join Types and the remaining command specific parameters described below, the Join command supports the following common command parameters: Append, First, If, Open, Next, Noformat, To and While. For a description of these parameters, see Command Parameters.

Secondary Table

In the command dialog, this option allows you to choose the secondary table from the drop down list that you want to join to the primary table.

Primary Keys

The PKEY command parameter specifies which key fields or expressions from the primary table to use. In the command dialog, select the key fields from the “Join Key Fields” primary list box or click [Choose] to display the Selected Fields dialog. For more information, see Selection/Edit Dialog Boxes.


The PRESORT command parameter specifies that the primary table is to be sorted on the primary key fields before joining the tables. In the command dialog, select the Presort checkbox beside the primary field list box.

Secondary Keys

The SKEY command parameter specifies which key fields or expressions from the secondary table to use. In the command dialog, select the key fields from the “Join Key Fields” secondary list box or click [Choose] to display the Selected Fields dialog.


The SECSORT command parameter specifies that the secondary table is to be sorted on the secondary key fields before joining the tables. In the command dialog, select the Presort checkbox beside the secondary field list box.

Primary Fields

The FIELDS command parameter specifies which primary table fields or expressions to include in the output table. In the command dialog, click the [More] button, then select the fields from the Fields to Output - Primary list box or click [Choose] to display the Selected Fields dialog. Key fields are not automatically included in the output so you must select them if you need them.

Secondary Fields

The WITH command parameter specifies which secondary table fields or expressions to include in the output table. In the command dialog, click the [More] button, then select the fields from the Fields to Output - Secondary list box or click [Choose] to display the Selected Fields dialog. Key fields are not automatically included in the output so you must select them if you need them.