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Use the Join command to combine fields from two tables into a third table based upon common key fields (numeric, character or date) found in both tables.

You typically use Join to match records in a transaction table with those in a master table. You can, for example, match invoice data in an accounts receivable table to data in a master customer table or you can compare the contents of two tables.

When you join a transaction table and a master table, the transaction table is usually the primary table and the master table is the secondary table. Carefully identify your primary and secondary tables because results differ if you reverse the tables, depending on the type of join.

To join two tables, choose the join key(s) from the primary and secondary tables. By default all fields from both tables are included in the joined output table. To select specific fields to output (including key fields), click [More] and select the primary and secondary fields from the “Fields to output” list boxes.

Join Versus Relations

Join Types

Join Key Fields

Join Considerations

Output Field Names

Source Table Locations

Preparing Key Fields

Auto-Harmonizing Key Fields


Command Mode Syntax