You are here: Commands > Export > Parameters


In addition to the command parameters described below, the Export command has the following command parameters: Append, First, If, Next, To and While. For a description of these parameters, see Command Parameters. For a description of supported field modifiers see Field Modifiers.


Allows you to specify the fields or expressions to be exported. In the command dialog, either highlight the fields in the “Fields to Export” list box or click [Choose] to display the Selected Fields dialog. For more information see Selection/Edit Dialog Boxes. Computed fields are converted to the appropriate field type in the exported file: Numeric, ASCII, Date or Logical.


This optional parameter allows you to specify the field(s) to presort the data upon prior to exporting the selected data. In the command dialog, click the [More] button, then click the “Presort Field(s)” radio button in the “Sort Options” and either select the fields in the list box (in sort order) or click [Choose] to display the Selected Fields dialog.


This optional parameter specifies that the exported file is to be written to the Arbutus Client or local drive. By default, data is exported locally to the current project folder unless an alternate location is specified. In the command dialog, click the [More] button and choose the “Local computer” radio button.


This optional parameter specifies that the exported file is to be written to an Arbutus Windows Server. When Server is specified, Export writes output to the output prefix specified for the selected server profile unless an alternate path is provided. In the command dialog, click the [More] button, choose the “Server” radio button and select the appropriate Arbutus Windows Server profile.


This optional parameter specifies that table or worksheet to create within the exported Excel spreadsheet or Access database. Option only appears for Excel or Access exports.

Output Type

Specifies the type of export.

In the command dialog, select the type from the “Export Type” pull-down list.

In command mode, specify one of the following:

ASCII - specifies an ASCII Text file
ACCESS - specifies a table in a MS Access database
CLIPBOARD - specifies windows clipboard
DBASE - specifies dBase file
DELIMITED <SEPARATOR ","> <QUALIFIER '"'> - specifies delimited file with optional field separator and sting qualifier.
EXCEL - specifies MS Excel spreadsheet with XLS extension based on the version of the EXCEL driver installed on the exported machine. Can also specify XLSX spreadsheet provided you specify the .XLSX extension as part of the table name.
LOTUS - specifies LOTUS 123 spreadsheet
ODBC <data-source|driver> - specifies the ODBC data source or driver
TABDELIMITED - specifies a tab delimited file
XLS21 - specifies MS Excel 2.1 spreadsheet
XML - specifies XML file


When the output type is ODBC, you can create a key field (and therefore an index) on the target database table by including the AS field modifier with the special reserved word “KEYFIELD”


Note: This option is only available to ODBC exports performed on the command line using the AS field modifier. This option is not available in the Export command dialog.