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Modifying Columns

The data field formatting defined in the table layout is also used as the default formatting for any columns in the View. Formatting columns in a View overrides the data field formatting in the table layout. For more in formation about changing a field’s format in the table layout, see Data Fields.

To set global settings for all View columns, see View Options.

Analyzer changes the View according to the column formatting specifications. You can modify many characteristics of a column in the View. You can give it an alternate column title, modify its contents and change the way the data is displayed and printed.

To modify a column in an open View, do the following:

1. To display the Modify Column dialog, double-click on the column heading or right-click the column and select “Modify Column”.
2. The actual name of the field/expression that the column displays is shown in the Column Contents text box. This is normally greyed out unless the column is an unnamed expression.
To name an unnamed expression, click [Column Contents] and supply a name in the Save As text box in the Expression Builder
To modify the expression value for an unnamed expression, click [Column Contents] and modify in the Expression Builder
3. Change the column title displayed in the View by typing a new column title in the Alternate Column Title text box. The title can be multi-line.
4. To change the column width, you can enter a number in the Width text box.

Note: Alternatively, you can double click on the right edge of a column heading in the View to auto size the width of the selected column.

5. Triggers enable conditions to be specified for a column that result in colored text or backgrounds being displayed in the View for cells in the column that meet a specified Trigger condition. This is very useful for visually identifying errors, anomalies, or data of specific interest within the View. For detailed information on working with Triggers, see Specifying Column Triggers.
6. The Format text box only applies to “numeric” fields and is greyed out for other field types. If it is blank, Analyzer applies the default numeric format to the column. You can manually enter a new format in the Format text box or choose a predefined format from the Format drop-down list.
You can specify the default numeric format for all fields using the Numeric Options dialog. For more information, see Default Numeric Format .
The pre-defined formatting option chosen from the drop-down list can be manually modified in the format text box (such as such adding a currency symbol or a percentage (%) sign to the format displayed in the format text box.
7. To alter the display of numeric columns in the View you can alter the following Print Options by checking the following options:
Blank If Zero - will suppress any zero values so they show as blank
Display Negatives In Red - will display all negative values in red
8. The remaining Print Options apply only to reports. For more information report options see Reports.
9. When you have finished, click [OK] to close the Modify column dialog.