You are here: Customizing Analyzer > Numeric Options > Default Numeric Format

Default Numeric Format

Analyzer displays numbers without thousands separators and denotes negative numbers with a leading minus sign.

You can select a numeric format from the drop-down list or create a format of your own. For example, you could use CR or some other symbol to represent a negative number, show fewer decimal spaces or add a currency symbol.

Setting a default numeric format tells Analyzer to expect that all numeric fields contain the type of data indicated by this option. When you use “$” or another currency symbol in the default numeric format, Analyzer uses this globally, formatting even Analyzer generated numeric columns such as Count or Classify with the currency symbol.

Note: Be careful when using this option because it tells Analyzer that all numeric fields contain the same type of data.

Command Mode Syntax

SET PICTURE 'numeric-format-string'

Formatting Individual Columns

You can change the numeric format for individual columns in a View without affecting the way Analyzer displays numeric data in all fields using the Modify Column dialog. For more information, see Modifying Columns.