You are here: Commands > Join > Source Table Locations

Source Table Locations

Tables to be joined must belong to the same Analyzer Project. In addition, since you can only log on to one Arbutus Server at a time, server tables to be joined must reside on the same Arbutus Server and use the same server profile. This means you cannot join a local table to a server table nor can you join tables on different Arbutus Servers.

Tip: Use the Extract command to move local tables or tables from different Arbutus Servers to the same Arbutus Server for joining.

Note: When using Analyzer to join IMS segment paths from the same IMS data base, if a PCB isn’t available for each segment path then the message "Insufficient PCB's for multiple path processing." is displayed and the command in progress is cancelled. For more information, please see “The Arbutus zSeries Server Program Specification Block” in the Arbutus zSeries Server Installation Guide.