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Functions are sophisticated analytical routines that allow you to perform a wide range of computational and data manipulation tasks. They are mainly used to create computed fields or tests for filtering records. Character string functions let you edit character data, making them useful for normalizing data in key fields. Functions return values based on parameters that you specify. You can use functions wherever Analyzer lets you specify an expression.

Analyzer has many functions not found in other programs, though most functions available in spreadsheet and database programs are also available in Analyzer.

Analyzer has eight categories of functions:

String access
Data conversion
Date and time

Functions are usually used in expressions. You can use functions individually or in combination with one another. You can enter functions either by selecting buttons and items from list boxes or by entering them using the keyboard.

Analyzer functions are divided into eight categories to help you identify their purpose. For a detailed list of these categories and description of each function, see Functions.

Financial Functions

Entering Functions Using the Mouse

Entering Functions Using the Keyboard

Functions - Examples