You are here: Building Expressions > Functions > Entering Functions Using the Mouse

Entering Functions Using the Mouse

When you use the mouse to select functions and specify function parameters in the Expression Builder, Analyzer enters the syntax automatically.

You can choose functions directly from the Functions drop-down list. For example, to display all invoices in a transaction file that were issued on a Sunday, you can apply a global filter that uses the CDOW() function.

In the View, click [Edit View Filter] to display the Expression Builder.

1. From the Functions list box, double-click CDOW(date, length). Analyzer copies the function to the Expression text box.

Note: If the function parameters fail to appear in the Expression text box, make sure that the Paste Parameters checkbox is checked.

2. In the Expression text box, double-click the date parameter keyword to select the date parameter. You can then type in the name of an available date field or double-click on a date field in the Available Fields list View. Analyzer replaces the date parameter with the selected field name.
3. In the Expression text box, double-click the length parameter keyword and enter a character to specify the length of the abbreviated name of the day of the week, such as “3.” Analyzer replaces the parameter length with the character you entered.
4. Click [=] or enter = to the right of the function to insert the equals sign.
5. After the equals sign, enter 'Sun'. The completed expression appears as CDOW(Invoice_Date, 3) = 'Sun'
6. Click [Validate] to have Analyzer confirm that the function syntax is correct and that the function you have selected is appropriate for the operation. Analyzer displays a message box confirming this expression is valid.
7. Click [OK] to accept the confirmation, then click [OK] in the Expression Builder to apply the expression as a global filter. The View now displays only invoices issued on a Sunday.