You are here: Building Expressions > Functions > Entering Functions Using the Keyboard

Entering Functions Using the Keyboard

If you choose to enter functions using the keyboard, you must be careful to specify the function syntax correctly. The function name must be followed immediately, without spaces, by an opening parenthesis [(]. Multiple parameters must be separated by commas, followed by a closing parenthesis [)].

In the example above, instead of using the Expression Builder you could enter CDOW(Invoice_Date, 3) = 'Sun' in the global filter text box, then press Enter to display the filtered records.

When you enter functions using a keyboard, you can abbreviate functions, just as you can abbreviate Analyzer commands and key words. The abbreviation must include the leading characters of the function. The abbreviation can be as short as you like, as long as it uniquely identifies the function.

The following table lists the conventions used to describe function syntax:

Function Syntax Conventions




Indicates that the previous item can be repeated


Separates alternatives

N (or N1 or N2)

Numeric expression


Date expression


Character expression


Any appropriate expression


Any appropriate field


Numeric constant (see note)

Note: A numeric constant is a specific value that never changes. Using a data field or an expression in place of a constant will cause unpredictable results.