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Dialog Boxes

Dialog boxes display information about the command or task you are performing and request information to be entered by the user. They can be opened from the menu or button bar.

Although dialog boxes vary between commands and tasks, they all share some common features:

A title bar at the top of each dialog box identifies the contents.
A list of items from which you can choose.
A number of command and/or option buttons.

The most common dialog box elements are:

[OK] button performs the command or action and closes the dialog box.
[Cancel] button cancels the command or action, disregarding the selected options or conditions and closes the dialog box.
[Choose] button displays a field selection dialog for choosing one or more fields
[Close] button closes the dialog box.
[Done] button indicates to Analyzer that you have finished with a process and closes the dialog box.
[Discard] button discards work that has not been saved. Use this option when you make changes to an item and decide not want to save the change. Analyzer closes the dialog box.
[Edit] button allows you to edit the value of a variable or filter.
[Expression] button displays the Expression Builder for building complex expressions like filters
[Help] button displays context-sensitive help related to the work you are doing.
[More] button expands a command dialog to display additional command options (command specific parameters and output options). When expanded, the [More] button turns into a [Less] button which when clicked will contract the expanded command dialog.
[Rename] button enables item to be renamed
[Save] button saves changed settings

The command and option buttons are sometimes unavailable, depending on the work you are doing or whether or not an item from the list box has been selected. Buttons, checkboxes and radio buttons that are unavailable are grayed out.

Analyzer provides maximum flexibility for opening, moving and closing dialog boxes.

File Open and Save Dialog Boxes

Command Dialog Boxes

Selection/Edit Dialog Boxes

Field Selection Dialog Boxes