You are here: A Quick Tour of Analyzer > Dialog Boxes > File Open and Save Dialog Boxes

File Open and Save Dialog Boxes

Analyzer uses standard Windows style file Open and Save As dialog boxes. For example, to open an existing Analyzer Project, select File from the menu and choose Open. Analyzer displays the Locate Project File dialog box.

Common Features

Common features of this type of dialog box are as follows:

Look In lists the files in the current folder (directory) and provides access to all available directories.
File Name in which you can enter a file name in the text box or use the list box to select an existing file. To see all files in a drive or directory that have a specific file extension, enter *. followed by the extension. For example, to list all Analyzer Projects, enter *.ASI.
Files of Type identifies the type(s) of file displayed in the File Name list box. To see all files in a directory, click the Files of type drop-down list and select All Files or enter *.*in the file name text box.