You are here: Automating Analyzer > Scheduling Procedures > Confirming Scheduled Results

Confirming Scheduled Results

After scheduling a procedure, it is always a best practice to right-click on the Shared Folder and select “Update Folder Contents”. This ensures that the Shared Folder contents are up-to-date.

Confirming/Modifying/Un-Scheduling a Scheduled Procedure

If a procedure has been scheduled, a green circle icon with a yellow wedge (a clock) will appear on the left of the procedure name. This indicates that the procedure is scheduled. Right-click on the scheduled procedure and choose Schedule to examine or modify the scheduling details or to un-schedule the scheduled job.

Alternatively, you can use the Admin Tool to view and modify all scheduled procedures on a specific Arbutus Windows Server. See Using the Admin Tool for more details.

Confirming the Results of Scheduled Procedure

Once a scheduled procedure has been run, a Schedule Log will appear as a sub-item below the scheduled procedure in the Shared Folder. The Scheduled Log will contain a date and time stamp and will have a colored circle icon on the far left indicating success, failure or a warning.

A leading green circle icon indicates a successfully run procedure
A leading red circle icon indicates a procedure failure (most likely due to a faulty command in the procedure, missing files, or a non-existent procedure due to subsequent deletion by another user)
A leading yellow circle icon indicates a warning that expected results were not obtained by the procedure. This is a purely user generated result, caused by using a negative RETURN value in the procedure.

Using Return Values

Typically a RETURN value relates either to exceptions being outputted or to a larger than expected number of exceptions being outputted.

For example, if travel expense totals should never exceed $5,000, then any items larger than this threshold would be considered exceptions and the procedure could be set up to output these exceptions. To alert the user that exceptions were identified, the user can then assign a negative RETURN value to cause a leading yellow (warning) icon to appear on the far left of the Schedule Log name. By default the Log name will also display the RETURN value in parenthesis on the far right (i.e. the number of exceptions). Assigning a fractional negative RETURN value will suppress the RETURN value from being displayed in the name of the Schedule Log.

Based on the example noted above:

Extract All to Exceptions if Expense_Amount>5000


For more information, see Return.

Reading the Scheduled Log

To examine the contents of the Schedule Log, simply single-click on the desired Log. Analyzer will open a tab containing the contents of the Log for review. Any errors encountered will be noted within the Log. Additionally, if for some reason another user of the shared folder deletes the procedure, the details for re-creating the procedure will be recorded in the Log (provided the procedure ran to completion).

Removing a Scheduled Log

Scheduled Logs can be removed at any time by right-clicking on the desired scheduled log or procedure and choosing:

Delete - will delete the selected procedure or scheduled log
Delete All Logs - will delete all scheduled logs for the chosen scheduled procedure
Delete Green Logs - will delete only successful green scheduled logs for the chosen scheduled procedure

Confirming Output Results for Scheduled Procedure

Once a scheduled procedure is run, users can review output results by opening the created output table(s) within the Overview. For shared output, project items are displayed in the shared folder. For private output, project items are displayed in a private shared folder specific to the user that is automatically created and appears in the Overview. This folder is named “Private Scheduled Output”.

Orphaned Scheduled Logs

In the rare event that another user of the shared folder deletes a scheduled procedure, any Schedule Logs for that scheduled procedure (for any other users) will automatically be moved to a new sub-folder under each users “Private Scheduled Output” shared folder. The sub-folder is called “Orphaned Log Files”. This ensures that users do not lose their Schedule Logs and can use them to re-create the deleted procedure if necessary.

Additionally, for procedures that were scheduled repeatedly (for example every few minutes, days, weeks or months), when deleted, the scheduler will still attempt to run the scheduled procedure and will issue a failed (RED) Scheduled Log indicating the procedure could not be found. Restoring the deleted procedure will resolve the problem. Alternatively, replacing the procedure with a same-named dummy procedure will allow the user to cancel the scheduled job.