You are here: Commands and the Command Log > Commands > Command Output

Command Output

Depending on the command, you may have up to four output options:

• Screen
• Print (Report command only)
• Graph
• File (Data or Text)

To specify output options in a command dialog, click the [More] button to expand the dialog to View and change available output options. Analyzer saves your output setting only for the duration of the session. When you restart Analyzer, the output option for that command reverts to the default setting.

Screen Output

Screen output is displayed in the Command Log, often in tabular format. For more information about the Command Log, see Viewing the Command Log.

Print Output

Only available for the Report command. When you print report output, you can include a header and/or footer with your output by typing one in the Header and Footer text box, respectively. If you need more than one line, click either [Header] or [Footer] to display a scrolling dialog.

Graph Output

The output from the Stratify, Classify and Age commands is displayed in a View tab and is also written to the Command Log. You can graph the output from valid commands in two ways:

• Choose graph output option in the command’s dialog before you issue the command.
• Double-click on the command output for the graph in the Command Log after you issue the command.

Graphs can be printed or saved as bitmap images for use in other applications.

File Output

Many commands produce data files as output. The output choices may include Analyzer data files and text files. The following Analyzer preferences affect command output:

• Create Output Table Name. If you turn on this option, Analyzer suggests a table name whenever it creates a data file as output. You can accept the name or change it. The table name Analyzer suggests represents the name of the command and is sequentially numbered to uniquely identify the results each time the command is processed
• Open Output Table. When Analyzer produces a data file as output, it automatically creates a table layout, closes your existing file and opens the newly created file. This means you can use these files immediately as tables for further processing and analysis in Analyzer. If you want Analyzer to always keep the current file open, turn off the preference

For more information see Command Options.