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Command Log Options

Analyzer provides several options for customizing the Command Log. Using the Command Log options, you can format your documentation to suit your needs. You can control the time stamp feature, add comments or clear all or portions of the log. You can also disable the Command Log or specify a different log file for your project.

Changing the Time Stamp

The Command Log automatically indicates the date and time the log was opened. If the Time Stamp Commands preference is turned on, Analyzer date and time stamps each command. For more information, see Command Options.

Adding Comments to the Log

Adding comments to the log enhances your documentation by including explanations for future reference or notations to assist in subsequent reviews. They are not limited in length and do not affect processing in any way. You can add comments only to the last item in the Command Log.

To add comments, you can use either the Comment dialog or the command line text box.

To add comments using the Comment dialog:

1. Select Tools from the menu and choose Comment. Analyzer displays the Comment dialog.
2. Enter your comments in the Comment dialog.
3. Click [OK].

To add comments through the command line text box:

1. Enter COMMENT and the text of your comment in the command text box.
2. Press RETURN or click [Accept Entry].

Clearing the Log

You can permanently remove information from the log. You have the option of clearing all or part of the Command Log.

Note: Review the contents of the Command Log carefully before clearing any information in it. Once you clear information, it cannot be recovered.

To clear the log, follow these steps:

1. In the Command Log, do one of the following:
• highlight the information you want to delete or
• place the cursor at the end of the last line of the section you want to delete

Note: Analyzer deletes complete lines only. Partially selected lines are not deleted. If your cursor is in the middle of a line, that line is not deleted.

2. Select Tools from the menu and choose Clear Log File or right-click in the Command Log and select “Clear Log...”. Analyzer displays the Clear Log File dialog.
3. Select one of the following:
• Don’t Clear Log (default) to keep all of the information in the log
• Clear Entire Log to delete all of the information in the log
• Clear Log to Cursor to delete all of the information from the beginning of the log up to the cursor position
• Clear Selection to delete the highlighted information in the log
4. Click [OK].

Disabling the Command Log

By disabling the Command Log, you can hide passwords or eliminate unnecessary detail in the log. For example, you may not want passwords used in procedures to be recorded in the Command Log.

To disable the Command Log, use the Set Echo command. For more information, see Set Echo.

Displaying Command Logs in Overview

Alternate Command Logs can be displayed in the Overview. See Show Logs in Overview.

Changing Command Logs

You may want to specify a different Command Log for commands or procedures which produce lengthy results.

If Command Logs are shown in the view (see Show Logs in Overview), you can switch between existing Command Logs by clicking on the desired Command Log in the Overview or right-clicking on the desired Command Log in the Overview and selecting Open.

Alternatively you can use the Set Log command on the command line to create and open a new Command Log or switch between existing Command Logs. For more information, see Set Log.

Copying Results from Command Log to Applications

You may want to copy results from the Command Log into other applications such as MS Word. Simply highlight the desired results, then right-click on them and select Copy.

When copying tabular results into MS Word, the table formatting is not copied from the Command Log into Word. To address this, simply highlight the tabular results in Word and then click the Table menu and choose Table AutoFormat. This enables the desired table format to be selected and then applied to the highlighted data.

Alternatively, you can right-click in the Command Log and select Save to HTML to save the entire contents of the Command Log or just the highlighted results to an HTML file. The HTML file can then be opened in other applications like MS Word to obtain formatted results.

Function Keys

Function keys are also available within the Command Log to assist in specifying commands. For more information see Function and Control Keys.