You are here: Commands > Set with No Preference Equivalents > Set Log

Set Log

Changes the log file of your Analyzer Project to another log file. The default log has the same name as your Project name with a .log extension. You can specify a different log file and Analyzer will log all activities in the new log file. Analyzer inserts a line in the log file to record the fact that you are switching to an alternate log file.

This is useful when you run a procedure or commands that generate a lot of output to the Command Log. You can switch to another log file to store the log during the procedure and then switch back to your original log file.

Note: SET LOG is not supported procedures being scheduled. For more information see on scheduling see Scheduling Procedures.

Command Mode Syntax

SET LOG <TO> {log-file-name|OFF}


To switch to using Newlog.log as the Command Log file:


To switch back to using the original Command Log file: