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Use the Classify command to count the number of records relating to each unique value of a character field and to accumulate totals of specified numeric fields for each of these unique values.

Note: The Classify command does not require the data to be physically sorted.

The number of records for each value is displayed in an Analyzer generated field, named COUNT. The limit on the number of totals depends on the available RAM in your computer, but is normally 50,000 or more. There are about 20,000 totals per megabyte as set by the Max RAM preference.

Classify works on unsorted data and is particularly useful for quick data scanning and summarizing. You can use Classify in a wide variety of circumstances. For example, Classify can rapidly generate a trial balance from unsorted ledger transactions. Classify can also replace the need to perform separate Sort and Summarize operations.

You can tell Analyzer to place the results of the Classify command in a new table for further analysis and reporting with Analyzer or direct results to the screen.

This command can be auto-executed. For more information on the Autoexecute Commands preference, see Command Options.


In addition to the command parameters described below, the Classify command has the following command parameters: Append, First, Graph, GroupBy, If, Next, Noformat, Open, Screen, To and While. For a description of these parameters, see Command Parameters. For a description of supported field modifiers see Field Modifiers.


Specifies the character field or expression to be classified. In the command dialog, select the field from the “Classify key field” drop-down list or click [Choose] to display the selected fields dialog in which you can select fields and build expressions. For more information on the Selected Fields dialog, see Selection/Edit Dialog Boxes.


Specifies the numeric fields or expressions to be totalled by Analyzer for each classification. In the command dialog, select the fields from the ”Fields to accumulate” list box or click [Choose] to display the Selected Fields dialog in which you can select fields and build expressions.

Command Output

The Command Log output for this command has columns for the name of the classification, the number of records and the percent of the total records that each classification represents. If one or more fields were accumulated, additional columns for percentage totals and the accumulated field totals are displayed for each field per classification.

Each percent column points to the column it represents. The right-hand percent column points to the nearest accumulated field column and shows the percent of the total value that the value of this classification interval represents. Percentages are not provided for additional accumulated field columns.

You can also send the command output to a graph. Click the [More] button and select the Graph option in the dialog or double-click the command or table output in the Command Log. For more information, see Graph Output.

Command Mode Syntax

CLASSIFY <ON> character-field-name

<ACCUMULATE numeric-field-list>

<GROUPBY field <+ ...>> <PRESORT>

<TO data-file-name|SCREEN|GRAPH>

<IF test> <WHILE test> <FIRST|NEXT range> <NOFORMAT>¿