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Use the Age command to produce aged summaries of data. Examples include evaluating sales trends, looking at transaction volumes and classifying invoices by the number of days outstanding from a particular date.

Unless you specify a cutoff date, aging is based on the current system date.

You can specify starting points such as 0, 90, 120 and so on for each aging period or you can accept the default settings of 0, 31, 61, 91, 121, 151, 181 and 10,000 days.

The number of records in each period is displayed in the Command Log in an Analyzer generated column entitled COUNT. You can also accumulate numeric field totals for each period.


In addition to the command parameters described below, the Age command has the following command parameters: Append, First, Graph, GroupBy, If, Next, Noformat, Screen, To and While. For a description of these parameters, see Command Parameters. For a description of supported field modifiers see Field Modifiers.


Allows you to select the date field or expression to be aged. In the command dialog, select the aging field from “Aging field” drop-down list or click [Choose] to display the Selected Fields dialog. For more information on the Selected Fields dialog, see Selection/Edit Dialog Boxes.


Allows you to select the numeric fields to be totaled. In the command dialog, select fields from the “Fields to accumulate” list box or click [Choose] to display the Selected Fields dialog.


The suppress parameter excludes agings falling outside the user specified aging cutoff points. By default, the Age command analyzes two additional cutoff ranges: the cutoff values below the minimum cutoff specified and the cutoff values above the maximum specified. In the command dialog, "Suppress items outside intervals" checkbox overrides this behavior.


Allows you to specify the beginning of each aging period interval. The last entry represents the end of the final period. In the command dialog, enter the values one per line in the “Aging Periods” text box. Use 10,000 days to isolate items with clearly invalid dates.

The default settings are 0, 31, 61, 91, 121, 151, 181 and 10,000 days. These defaults are set in the Options dialog. For information on changing these defaults, see Aging Periods.


Allows you to specify the date to which dates in the Aging field are compared. In the command dialog, use the built-in calendar in the Age dialog to select a date.

In command mode, you must specify the cutoff date in YYYYMMDD character format, regardless of the format of the date field.

The default cutoff date is the current system date.

Command Output

The Command Log tabular output for this command displays columns for the aging intervals, the number of records in each interval and the percent of the total records that each interval represents. If one or more fields were accumulated, additional columns are displayed: another percent column and the accumulated field totals for each interval.

Each percent column points to the column it represents. The right-hand percent column points to the nearest accumulated field column and shows the percent of the total value that the value of this interval represents. Percentages are not provided for additional accumulated numeric field columns.

Dates prior to the cutoff data fall into one of the specified aging periods. Analyzer creates another period, <0, for dates more recent than the cutoff date.

You can also send the command output to a graph. Click the [More] button and select the Graph “Output Option” in the dialog or double-click the command or table output in the Command Log. For more information, see Graph Output.

Command Mode Syntax

AGE <ON> date-field-name <CUTOFF yyyymmdd>

<ACCUMULATE numeric-field-name>

<INTERVAL Interval-start-point, ...Interval-end-point>

<GROUPBY field <+ ...>> <PRESORT>

<TO text-file-name|SCREEN|GRAPH>

<IF condition> <WHILE condition> <FIRST|NEXT range>