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User Prompting During Scheduling

Any user prompting should be placed at the beginning of the procedure to be scheduled. For user prompting to work correctly, collect all ACCEPT or DIALOG commands together at the beginning of the procedure and surround them with SCHEDULE START and SCHEDULE END commands, for example:


ACCEPT "Enter your name" to NAME

DIALOG (DIALOG TITLE "The Annual Reports" WIDTH 581 HEIGHT 208 ) (BUTTONSET TITLE "&OK;&Cancel" AT 480 132 DEFAULT 1 ) (TEXT TITLE "Please enter the email where you'd like the results sent:" AT 36 40 ) (EDIT TO "v_email" AT 312 36 WIDTH 240 CHAR ) (TEXT TITLE "Please provide the year of the results you want to see:" AT 36 76 ) (EDIT TO "v_year" AT 312 72 WIDTH 50 DEFAULT "2012" CHAR ) (TEXT TITLE "(2012 onward)" AT 384 76 )


When a procedure is scheduled, any user prompting located within the SCHEDULE START and the SCHEDULE END is immediately presented to the user scheduling the procedure; all user prompting must be completed in order to finalize the scheduling process.

Any other user prompting is prohibited as scheduled procedures do not allow user input while the scheduled procedure is running.

An alternate (and complimentary) best practice is to use variables to store expected user values for the scheduled procedure, typically at the start of the procedure, so that values are readily observed and can be easily edited prior to scheduling the procedure.