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Troubleshooting Connection Problems

Server Activity Log - Message 1

The error message “Could not connect to the specified server' relates to the status of the server or the connection parameters.

The server is not running. Verify that the server has been started and is waiting for connections. The Arbutus zSeries Server job should be present on the JES queue of active jobs and the Server TCPLOG should display the message “Waiting for connections...”
The server is running, but the IP address in the client profile is not the IP address for the server. The IP address of the server is displayed in the Server TCPLOG message “Internet address for host is”
Verify that this address matches the IP address entered in the client profile. If the IP address has been entered as a name, verify that the name maps to the number shown in the Server TCPLOG. If these numbers are not the same, there may be a firewall in place to route incoming IP addresses to specific corresponding internal addresses. Verify that the IP address for the Arbutus Server is being routed correctly and that security has been adjusted to allow access.
The server is running, but the Port Number in the client profile is not the Port Number selected for the server. The Port Number of the server is displayed in the Server TCPLOG message “>Port Number is 7000“
The server is running spawned jobs without a valid TSO/E environment and the spawned job has failed. If TSO/E services are invoked but not available, the server job will end and messages (similar to the one shown) will be displayed in the server JES Log. Correct the JCL for the Arbutus Server. The requirements for the Server JCL running spawned jobs is described in the Arbutus zSeries Installation Guide.

Server Activity Log - Message 2

The “Invalid password. Could not connect to specified server” error message relates to the password for the server profile:
The password entered in either the profile or in response to the password prompt is invalid.

Server Activity Log - Message 3

The “Verification Failed. User Profile Not Found” error message relates to Spawned Jobs:
When running spawned jobs and the Arbutus zSeries Server cannot detect exactly what has gone wrong, the first few lines of the JES listing from the connecting spawned job is sent and displayed in the Server Activity Log. In most cases, an error message describing the problem is included in these lines.The message will contain JES information similar to that shown.
If an error message is not displayed, the JES log should be reviewed to determine the cause for the job failure. The Server TCPLOG shows the name of the spawned job submitted and the status of that job in messages:
Review the JES listing for the spawned job to determine the exact cause of the problem.