You are here: Building Expressions > Dates and Times > Time


Unlike dates, Analyzer’s Data Definition Wizard does not automatically detect readable time fields. The user must specify in the Wizard that the field is a DateTime field and supply the correct time format. See Time Formats

Like dates, Analyzer’s Data Definition Wizard interprets compressed times as the appropriate compressed numeric field. You need to manually edit the table layout to have Analyzer treat this data as time information. See Dates and Times in Compressed Numeric Fields for more information about converting compressed numeric fields into times.

By default all times are displayed using the 24 hour clock and a display format of HH:MM:SS. If the time data has an AM/PM indicator then the time will be displayed using the 12 hour clock with the same HH:MM:SS format.

Note: To indicate a 12 hour clock, the time format should include either a “p” or a “pm”.