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Dates and Times in Compressed Numeric Fields

Analyzer cannot automatically recognize dates and/or times stored in compressed numeric fields, such as packed numeric fields. When you create a table layout, Analyzer recognizes compressed dates and/or times as compressed numeric data such as Packed.

For Analyzer to interpret the compressed numeric data as date and/or time information, manually edit the field to select the DateTime field parameter and specify an input DateTime format.

For dates, the input DateTime format indicates which numbers in the source data represent the day, month and year. For times, the input DateTime format indicates which numbers represent the hours, minutes and seconds. For more information on input DateTime formats see Date Formats and Time Formats

Note: The input DateTime format for compressed numeric fields cannot contain any punctuation such as formatting characters.

Specifying the DateTime Parameter and Input Format

You need to specify the DateTime parameter and input format when dates and/or times are stored in compressed numeric fields, such as packed fields.

1. Select [Edit] from the menu and choose [Table Layout]. Analyzer displays the Table Layout window.
2. Under the [Fields/Expressions] tab, in the field list View, double-click the packed numeric field you want to edit. Analyzer displays the field format options.
3. Click the Advanced button and select the DateTime parameter checkbox.
4. Specify the DateTime format in the Format drop-down list.

For the example shown , if the date in the source data file has the format YYDDD, select the same DateTime format from the drop-down list.

Century Codes in Packed Dates

Some systems now add a century code to packed numeric dates containing two digit years to indicate the century to which the two digit year belongs. Analyzer supports these types of packed dates. For more information, see Century Codes in Packed Date Fields.