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Use the Report command to print a report and to specify printing options. Alternatively, right-click in the View and select “Report” to display the Report dialog.

You can also specify an HTML (HyperText Markup Language) file as the output for your report. All Web browsers can read files in HTML format. This allows you to prepare your Analyzer reports to be distributed or published via the World Wide Web. Analyzer generates HTML files in HTML 3.0 format.

Note: Since most Analyzer report output is in table format, a Web browser that support tables is required to View the output, such as Netscape 3 or higher, Internet Explorer 3 or higher and so on.

A report is typically based upon a View. Alternatively, you can use the Report command from the command line to generate a report. However, the command line does not offer some of the advanced formatting features of a View, such as font control.


You must display a View before using the Report dialog. The View is used to format the columns and determine the report’s overall layout and content.

Customizing Reports

Creating a report is covered in detail in Printing in Analyzer. We recommend that you read the contents of this section before you use the Report command.

There are three basic steps to create a formatted report from a View:

1. Right-click on each column in the View, select “Modify Columns” and apply column formatting necessary for the report.
2. Right-click in the View and select “Report Fonts” to set report fonts for headers, footers, titles, totals and data.
3. Right-click in View and select “Print Report” to display the Report dialog and specify the overall page and report layout. Alternatively, you can click Data in the menu and select Report. Click [OK] in the Report dialog to print the report.

Note: The Report dialog enables you to specify a header and footer, sort your report on previously selected key fields, produce a summarized report, ignoring details and specify line spacing and font size. You can also access the standard Windows Print Setup dialog, choose to send your report to the screen, to a file, preview the report or send it directly to a printer.


In addition to the command parameters described below, the Report command has the following command parameters: Append, If, Presort, Print, Screen, Suppress and To. For a description of these parameters, see Command Parameters. For a description of supported field modifiers see Field Modifiers.


Header inserts text at the top of each page of a report. This overrides any value set by a header variable.


Footer inserts text at the bottom of each page of a report. This overrides any value set by a footer variable.

Detail Line Spacing

Lets you specify the number of spaces between the detail lines on the report. Select single, double or triple spacing from the drop-down list. These options do not apply to a summarized report.

Default: Single Spaced.


Causes Analyzer to index on the selected key fields before creating the report. To select this option, you must first select the key fields in the View by using the Group field marker. You must also specify the sort order for each key field. See Printing in Analyzer for details.


Produces a report with only subtotals and grand totals. The subtotals are generated based on the columns specified to group on in the View. If the summarize option is not selected, Analyzer produces a report that includes detail lines, as well as subtotals for each of the specified group columns.

Default: Include detail lines.

Suppress Blank Detail Lines

Does not display detail lines that are blank. The report will automatically move data up to fill in the “white space” of blank detail lines. This reduces needless white space in your reports and makes the report and data easier to read. See Suppress Blank Detail Lines for details.


Displays the Page Setup dialog if you have selected your printer as your output. You can select a printer, select paper size and orientation and specify various other options affecting how your report prints.

Command Mode Syntax




<LINE n other-fields> <SUMMARIZED>

<TO file-name> <TEXT|HTML>

<IF test> <WHILE test> <FIRST|NEXT range>

<HEADER header> <FOOTER footer> <APPEND>¿

Note: To use the NODUPS parameter, the ON parameter must also be included as shown above. Otherwise, the NODUPS parameter will be ineffective.

LINE n specifies additional output lines. n can be a value between 2 and 60. The fields to appear on Line n should follow n. The column headings on the report are determined solely by the fields on the first line.
Nodups is a field modifier that causes repeated values in a field to be displayed as blanks in a report. This field modifier can be specified in the command line or by modifying column properties in the View for the desired field and checking the “Suppress Duplicates” checkbox.
Nozeros is a field modifier that causes zero values in a field to be displayed as blanks in a report. This field modifier can be specified in the command line or by modifying column properties in the View for the desired field and checking the “Blank if Zero” checkbox.
Page is a field modifier that inserts a page break after the totals for the specified key field. For example, you may want a a report with two levels of subtotals: by location and by product class within each location. After each location subtotal line, the report continues at the top of a new page.
Other-fields specifies appropriate list of fields or expressions for the report in context with the preceding report modifier (for example Accumulate, Line n, etc.)


There are two ways to prepare a simple report.

After you have formatted the contents of your report in the View, you can right-click and select Print Report to use the Report dialog to specify a meaningful header and footer, appropriate line spacing and any page/printer setup features.

Choose [Setup] to choose page and printer setup. When you are satisfied with all print and report options, click [OK] to display the Print dialog in which you can choose the pages to print, recheck your print options and click [Print] to print the report.

You can also create a multi-line report. As a report is based on a View, use Analyzer’s multi-line capability to rearrange your View to approximate the final multi-line report. See Constructing Multi-line Report Views.

Alternatively, you can construct the Report command syntax directly for use in a procedure or on the command line in the Command Log.

The following Report command suppresses repeated values in the Product Class field:


The following Report command suppresses zeroes in the Quantity on Hand field:


The following Report command produces a report with two levels of subtotals: by location and by product class within location. After each location subtotal line, the report continues at the top of a new page: